
Duke Chatbot User Guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features

    3.1. Listing all tasks: list

    3.2. Adding a task

    3.3. Marking a task as done: done

    3.4. Deleting a task: delete

    3.5. Finding tasks by name: find

    3.6. Exiting the program: bye

    3.7. Saving/loading data


Welcome to the Duke Chatbot User Guide! Duke Chatbot are for users who prefer to use a desktop application for their task management. Duke Chatbot is optimised for users who prefer to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) while reaping the visual benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Duke Chatbot has several features to help you manage your tasks. Sounds interesting? Head over to Quick Start to get started!

Quick Start


1. Listing all tasks: list

List all of your tasks.

Format: list

2. Adding a task

Add a new task to your task management application.

A newly added task is not done by default.

You can add 3 kinds of tasks:

  1. Todo Task
  2. Event Task
  3. Deadline Task

3. Marking a task as done: done

Mark your task as completed.

:warning: You cannot mark a task to be undone.

Format: done <task number>

To find the <task number>, use the list command.

The <task number> is the number ordering in the list for the task you would like to mark as done.

4. Deleting a task: delete

Deletes your task from the application.

:warning: You cannot recover a deleted task.

Format: delete <task number>

To find the <task number>, use the list command.

The <task number> is the number ordering in the list for the task you would like to mark as done.

5. Finding tasks by name: find

Find your tasks by name.

Format: find <keyword>

The order of tasks that appear (if it is non-empty) is as follows:

  1. tasks whose name matches exactly with the search keyword. e.g. “book” and “book” respectively.

  2. tasks whose one of the space-delimited name matches exactly with the search keyword. e.g. “book signing” and “book” respectively.

  3. tasks whose name matches contains search keyword. e.g. “book signing” and “k s” respectively.

6. Exiting the program: bye

Exits the application.

Format: bye

7. Saving/loading data

The tasks you have entered will be loaded on the application start up.

Any data change will only be saved by running the bye command.